Parts Academy & Training

Asiautos parts academy provides a comprehensive learning platform to our global customers  especially who has limited access to systematic auto& parts training, ensuring each user can effectively select, understand, resell or even repair Asian auto parts.

In our academy, we will introduce 4 main learning modules:

  • Module1: How auto parts are produced ?

    ( in this module, Asiautos will guide you through each working station of part manufacturer)

  • Module2: How to select auto parts?

 ( in this module, Asiautos will guide you through different parts brands and markets )

  • Module3: How to diagnose and replace/ repair Asian auto parts?

 ( in this module, Asiautos will take you to auto workshop and work together with experienced mechanics )

  • Module 4: Auto part brand story and product classics introduction

( in this module, Asiautos will guide you through renowned part brand history and their classics)

In each module, we will use video, presentation, picture, graph… all possible methods to deep dive the world of auto parts and Asian auto parts supply chain, enabling each audience to catch the bullet points in easy and effective ways.

Parts academy learning module