Free Sample

Asiautos offer free sample budget as 20 USD for each Asiautos new member. If your 1st order quantity exceeds 20 USD, we will deduct accordingly in your check out amount.

Each customer need to cover the logistics cost from our warehouse to the destination and we can only provide 1 free sample for each new customer every year.

For old customers who subscribe to our Free Sample Trial channel, we will upgrade the sample budget accordingly and they will easily catch our hot free samples.

Please send email to our mailbox   with title    Free Sample Request from XXXX Company

In your email, please describe your request as below format:

Company:                                     Membership Number:

Sample OE Number:                     Quantity:

Sample Requirement:

Expected Shipping Date:

Chosen Forwarder:

Payment Method:

Contact Person: ( name, email address, phone number)